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Berikut terjemahan per baris dari lirik Wind of Change oleh Scorpions:


I follow the Moskva and down to Gorky Park
👉 Aku mengikuti Sungai Moskva dan menuju Gorky Park

Listening to the wind of change
👉 Mendengarkan angin perubahan

An August summer night, soldiers passing by
👉 Malam musim panas di bulan Agustus, tentara berlalu-lalang

Listening to the wind of change
👉 Mendengarkan angin perubahan

The world is closing in, and did you ever think
👉 Dunia semakin mendekat, dan pernahkah kau berpikir

That we could be so close like brothers?
👉 Bahwa kita bisa sedekat saudara?

The future's in the air, can feel it everywhere
👉 Masa depan ada di udara, bisa kurasakan di mana-mana

Blowing with the wind of change
👉 Bertiup bersama angin perubahan

Take me
👉 Bawalah aku

To the magic of the moment on a glory night
👉 Ke keajaiban momen di malam kejayaan

Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)
👉 Di mana anak-anak masa depan bermimpi

In the wind of change
👉 Di dalam angin perubahan

Walking down the street, and distant memories
👉 Berjalan di jalanan, dan kenangan lama

Are buried in the past forever
👉 Terkubur selamanya di masa lalu

I follow the Moskva and down to Gorky Park
👉 Aku mengikuti Sungai Moskva dan menuju Gorky Park

Listening to the wind of change
👉 Mendengarkan angin perubahan

Take me (take me)
👉 Bawalah aku

To the magic of the moment on a glory night (a glory night)
👉 Ke keajaiban momen di malam kejayaan

Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams (share their dreams)
👉 Di mana anak-anak masa depan berbagi mimpi mereka

With you and me (with you and me)
👉 Denganmu dan denganku

Take me (take me)
👉 Bawalah aku

To the magic of the moment on a glory night (a glory night)
👉 Ke keajaiban momen di malam kejayaan

Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)
👉 Di mana anak-anak masa depan bermimpi

In the wind of change (the wind of change)
👉 Di dalam angin perubahan

The wind of change blows straight into the face of time
👉 Angin perubahan bertiup langsung ke wajah waktu

Like a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell for peace of mind
👉 Seperti angin badai yang akan membunyikan lonceng kebebasan demi ketenangan jiwa

Let your balalaika sing what my guitar wants to say (say)
👉 Biarkan balalaikamu bernyanyi apa yang gitarku ingin katakan

Take me (take me)
👉 Bawalah aku

To the magic of the moment on a glory night (a glory night)
👉 Ke keajaiban momen di malam kejayaan

Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams (share their dreams)
👉 Di mana anak-anak masa depan berbagi mimpi mereka

With you and me (with you and me)
👉 Denganmu dan denganku

Take me (take me)
👉 Bawalah aku

To the magic of the moment on a glory night (a glory night)
👉 Ke keajaiban momen di malam kejayaan

Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)
👉 Di mana anak-anak masa depan bermimpi

In the wind of change (the wind of change)
👉 Di dalam angin perubahan

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